The Montessori Method

Our kindergarten program is based on the method developed by Dr. Maria Montessori and is designed for children ages 1.5 to six years old.

Montessori program with many advantageous conditions for the natural development of the child in its full entity exist: from birth to maturity.

It works with children in the belief that no human being can be brought up by someone else. Each individual has to do things for yourself because otherwise you will never reach learn. A well educated individual continues learning after the hours and years spent in a classroom that is motivated from within by a natural curiosity, besides the love of learning. Therefore, our goal is not to fill the child with pre-selected academic data, but to cultivate their natural desire to learn.

This purpose is achieved in two ways in the classroom Montessori: first, by allowing each child to experience the joy of learning itself rather than be forced; and second, helping them to develop all their natural abilities to learn, so that this ability is present to the maximum in future learning situations. The Montessori method has this dual long-range purpose in addition to immediate purposes of giving information to the child.

Although age for entering school for the first time varies, a child can start in our Montessori school between the year and a half and four years, depending on when the child feel comfortable and happy in a school situation. The child will begin with the simplest exercises based on activities that all children enjoy. The material that the child uses at 2 or 3 years will help you develop your concentration and work habits, you'll need to perform more advanced exercises at 4, 5 or 6 years. The entire program of learning of a child in the Montessori school is structured with a purpose. Therefore, you can not expect good results if a child misses the early years of the school year, or is removed before the end of the basic materials already mentioned.

Montessori children are usually adaptable. They learn to work independently or in groups. Because from a young age has motivated them to make decisions, they can solve problems, make choices and manage their time well. They have been encouraged to exchange ideas and discuss their work freely with others.

Research has shown that the best predictors of future success is when you have a positive sense of self. The Montessori program based on non-competitive activities, help children to develop self-image and confidence to face challenges and change with optimism.

Persisting in their individual interests within the Montessori classroom, the child acquires an enthusiasm to learn at an early age, which is the key to his training as a truly educated adult.