Mission, Vision and Philosophy

Our Mission

Apply the principles and philosophy of the Montessori system to provide a space where the child can develop their full potential. In an environment space is everything you need to meet the needs of the mind and body of the child will be prepared. In the prepared environment, have all materials and trained staff, who will offer the child the possibility of purposeful activities to awaken their natural interest in learning and encourage movement and exploration to carry out the necessary work that will take you to develop concentration and build their personality.

All activities will be based on reality, thus offering the possibility of the development of imagination and fantasy no.

Every adult in the room that this will be trained and prepared at all times apply the principles of the philosophy of the method and always think and act on behalf of children by offering only the necessary support to enable the development of independence.

All this will be a help to parents who are the first and most important educators. Together, school and parents help the child build the foundation of their personality to become an independent, respectful, responsible, disciplined man, confident and with the academic skills necessary to successfully continue enjoying their school life and school interested to learn.

Our Vision

Sowing the seeds for the future of children, so that through our work we are prepared environment aid in your self build towards a personality that will become an educated man, educated, full, genuine, respectful, responsible worker, independent, safe, disciplined, participatory, determined, creative, conscious of natural and able to face life with enthusiasm and optimism, with a clear vision of what he wants and resources, to participate in building a world of peace and harmony knowing important part of humanity as one great family of beings who respect and collaborate.

Our Philosophy

  • Education for Life.
  • The child is the builder of man.
  • Education for Peace.