Our Montessori Classrooms
We have an classroom of "Children's Community" and two classrooms "Children's House".
Our work classrooms are nice and pretty and invite the work and concentration.
They are very simple classrooms, which help the child to be at peace with himself and with others. They are arranged so that the child feels comfortable and can move freely at home.

Children's Community
The children's community is a place or space between the home and school. Its aim is to meet the needs of language, movement, order and refinement of the senses of the young child 1-3 years of age, according to the pedagogy of Maria Montessori.
In preparing the classroom for a community considering several aspects to give the child a physically and psychologically safe classroom where they feel respected, accepted and free for movement while giving the opportunity to do fun and interesting activities to help you to grow and develop.
According to the concrete mind of the child, the activities that are presented in the classroom are through materials.

Chidlren's House
In preparing the classroom for a community considering several aspects to give the child a physically and psychologically safe classroom where they feel respected, accepted and free for movement while giving the opportunity to do fun and interesting activities to help you to grow and develop.
According to the concrete mind of the child, the activities that are presented in the classroom are through materials.
As in the "Children's Community", children work with concrete materials that the Guide will be presenting each child personally and furniture are placed in their power to promote independence, responsibility and order.

In the workplace we have the full range of materials development to offer the child the opportunity to explore, touch, move, explore and ultimately develop a skill or learning.
The materials are organized within the workspace into 4 main areas:
- Practical life
- Sensory
- Language
- Mathematics